People in the mainstream think of healthy eating as having plenty of fruit and veggies, good in theory but how much nutrition are they actually getting from the food that they eat. Well if it isn’t organic then it’s full of nasty chemicals that are toxic to your body, but even if it’s one of those hardy plants that doesn’t need much in the way of pesticides, chances are it offers much less nutrition than it would have 100 years ago. Soils in most parts of the world have become depleted in minerals, which has had a direct effect on the quality of the food that we eat.
If you buy organic then you are generally getting a higher mineral content, but if you grow your own and add generous quantities of rock dust to the soil, you end up with the best possible quality, add in love as you work the garden and the food you eat from it is going to make your body zing! I am so looking forward to settling down and having a veggie garden, by the time that happens I will have so much wonderful information I will be able to create a garden that supports me to live to at least 120, maybe even longer. There are places in the world where people routinely live to 100 or more, and one of the things they have in common is that the soil is highly mineralised.
There are many different ingredients to having a long life in good health, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical are all important, and need to be in the right balance with each other. When it comes to the physical the food that we eat is high on the list of priorities, and while I do believe our minds are powerful enough to transform the effects of eating low quality food, why not make less work and just give your body the right stuff in the first place!
Check out this interview with Don Weaver who is talking about the remineralisation of the soil using rock dust, a web site that he recommends for more information is
The mineral content of our food has gone down drastically since 1910, but the solution for your personal garden is very simple: you just add rock dust.
See more about the amazing benefits of remineralization and where to get rock dust here!